Comic vs Anime vs Cartoon Wiki

Welcome My Friends!

The purpose of this wiki is to index the statistics of characters from a wide variety of different fictional franchises.We and you together will do powerscale for Fictional Characters.Every single one of you specially welcomed here.

If you guys want to create pages please try to create pages which aren't created yet.

Also You can create discussions like Goku vs Superman,Thor vs Wonder Woman etc!


Before explore this wiki then please read rules before you do anything.Read our

Tier system

Speed system.,

Regeneration scale


Piercing Durability

We follow shows,comic books,manga etc not anyone`s headcanon.

Battle of the week


We need Powerscaling Moderators,Admins and Calcers for our Wiki.You also can be A Moderator/Admin!

Hey You guys may see Most of the pages aren't finished.We are actually focusing to create pages then we will tier all of them.Sorry for all trouble.



Fate stay night Heaven's Feel II. lost butterfly (2018) PV-0


Deadpool 2 The Final Trailer